This is a very basic and simple crypto portfolio tracker that enables you to track the Top-1000 cryptocurrencies and watch your personal performance over time.
I decided to create this tool as a complement to other applications such as Delta or CoinTracker because these tools were displaying incorrect statistics. Making transactions towards stablecoins or external wallets was distorting my stats and I felt the need to have a simple tool that only tracks the current crypto price vs. the amount invested, and gives me a global overview of my targets and their progress.
The assets are added manually, and there is no automatic onchain detection of transactions and tokens. The reason is that multiple applications already allow automated tracking, and the aim of this one is precisely to do things differently, to have an off-chain, goal-based monitoring.
🔒 Everything is happening in local and is stored in your web browser.
For that reason, if you need to use this tool on another device, there is a feature to import/export your portfolio (see the settings page).
Credits :
- CoinGecko API to get regularly updated crypto market data
- CoinDesk API for the fiat exchange rates
- Flaticon for icons (Freepik, Pixel perfect)
- ApexCharts to display the charts
- Next.js / React as a frontend framework
- Tailwind CSS & Flowbite & Flowbite React for the UI
Developed by ray0.be
Current app version: 1.1
Version 1.12024-12-18
- New look & feel! ✨
- App is now responsive! 🌈
- 🏆 New page "Trend indicators"
- 🏆 New page with Crypto Bubbles integration
- 🛠️ Fix for target progress bar in Dashboard when progress is between +0% and +1% (now progress bar is blue and not red anymore)
- 🛠️ Fix for coin key when it goes over rank 1000 (or has been renamed by CoinGecko) (now the asset is displayed with a "no market data" warning and it does not break the app anymore)
Version 1.02024-12-09
- Dashboard : coin table, 3 stats cards (overview, diversification, security) with 1 chart each
- Edit portfolio : add & remove coins
- Settings (3 vars) + import/export feature
- Auto refresh fiat rates & market data
- Light & Dark themes